Eric Ahn
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Eric Ahn
Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM, CCHPBC, Canada)
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R. TCMP)
Registered Acupuncturist (R. Ac)
Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)
Professor of TCM and Acupuncture
- Acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
- Acupressure
- RMT Massage
- Natural Treatment
Eric Ahn tries to treat patients with very natural treatment methods, such as acupuncture, traditional herbal medicine, natural acupressure therapy, massage techniques, and other manual techniques.
In order to extend the ability to help people more effectively and efficiently, Eric also learnt advanced natural acupressure treatment techniques from professor Sae-Yion Kim in Germany. There, he took an intensive in person clinical training, and was highly recognized by his master. Professor Sae-Yion Kim had accepted limited number of students around the world during his life and Eric is one of the students who learnt the techniques directly from him.
Even though he already had had amazing treatment results in various conditions, his eagerness and passion for natural healing made him add registered massage therapy to his treatment modalities. In addition to the registered massage therapy, Eric also studied osteopathic manual practice at the Ontario School of Osteopathy and Alternative Medicine.
As a professor of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, Eric has taught courses related to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture at Georgian College and Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TSTCM) for many years.
Eric Ahn holds the Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine title registered with the CTCMA (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia, Canada).